Project Roadmap#

A breakdown of the functionality we aim to provide in stages:

  1. Command-line deployment of the LLM

  2. Deployment of the LLM via web-based graphical user interface (GUI)

  3. Providing easily accessible graphical user interfaces to interact with the LLM once it is running









not started

Command-Line Deployment#

Status: Testing

We provide a command-line tool for generating SLURM jobs that deploy a pre-configured LM server on a compute node, with helpful utilities for forwarding the port served by the LM and querying its API.

GUI-based Deployment#

Status: tbd

We provide a web-based graphical interface (like MyDella) with textboxes/dropdown menus to choose an open-source LM and deploy it on Della.

The deployment interface can be made with Open OnDemand or a simple web interface

GUIs to interact with the LM#

Status: not started

We provide several “supported” graphical interfaces for users that the LM server will automatically be connected to after they request the job through the MyDella-like interface.

Target GUIs:

  • Chat

  • Completion

  • Batch zero/few-shot